Everybody has heard about the benefits of weight lifting. It is a worthwhile activity to do but not everybody can do it. You've been DOING IT ALL, hitting the gym few days every week, you skip party time to ensure you get in your exercise before the day is finished and even when you're not supercharged you actually get yourself up and go to the gym but the issue is your body doesn't appear to react and can't build muscle fast, at-least not in a similar way as your friends who began lifting with you you are no where close to the poster on your wall of Mr Olympia or any other star personality you follow or you've made your target. There are some people who cannot gain muscle because they lack testosterone and they are not eating enough calories, or they have a medical condition. If you are having trouble gaining muscle and you think that you might be one of these people who cannot gain muscle then you might want to talk to your doctor. IN THIS ARTICLE, We will try to provide you with some solutions if you don't have the above medical conditions to help you build muscles.
Read full article: Can't gain muscle.
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Here's how:
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